volunteer work

Much of my life's work has been done as a volunteer in various places around the world. I have worked in schools, local communities and groups, organising events, painting murals and teaching.

Volunteering in schools

Since 2001 I have worked teaching art in both primary and secondary schools in the UK, India & Indonesia. I have supported curriculum teaching, run arts weeks and fund-raising projects.


I have helped create and run primary school film projects, 
Mainly as an art director working with the students to design and make props, costumes, sets and animations.


I have designed and worked on many murals in primary schools, secondary schools and on community projects.

Welcombe Children's Group

I was co-founder and Chairman of the Welcombe Children's Group in North Devon. We raised money to fund numerous community projects and events.
In 2008 we raised over £15,000 to install a new playground for the children of Welcombe parish.

Arts festival

We created an annual Family Arts Festival in Welcombe village hall.

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